[REVIEW] – SleepTracks


Product: SleepTracks – Sleep Optimization Program

Format: Digital (to be downloaded or shipped on CDs)

Price: $77 (+ shipping eventually)

Cheapest place to buy: website of the creator, Yan Muckle

Guarantee: 60 days 100% money-back guarantee

My Rating: 9 out of 10


SleepTracks, product overview

Those who experience the effects of sleep deprivation know well that the more you are sleep-deprived, the easier you fall prey to stress, anxiety, depression, illness and desease… and the more you have trouble sleeping. The fact is that you have been trapped within insomnia’s vicious circle.

You probably, just like me, have been afflicted for years by sleep deprivation symptoms:

If so, you can have great benefits from SleepTracks, the sleep optimization program developed by Yan Muckle. Following this program you will be able to:

  • escape from insomnia’s vicious circle even if you have been plagued by poor sleep for years;
  • to reboot your brain and restore your body’s innate ability to sleep naturally
  • to get your life back on track and restore the quality of your daily life in all its aspects (family, work, relationships), while SleepTracks Program works for you.

How SleepTracks Program works

Sometimes it seems like you have forgotten how to sleep, right? Well, actually your body/mind still knows how to do it, but it needs some reminding and retraining: it needs a reboot.

Human beings are far more complex than computers, yet our sleep disorders are very much like computer bugs. These bugs, running in our brain, requires some sort of reboot; and this is what the Program provides. A brain reboot for renewed sleep, done by acting at 3 levels simultaneously:

  • A brainwave reboot – So that your brain resets its capacity to produce sleep-inducing brainwaves when the time is right.
  • A confidence reboot – So that you escape from the “fear-of-not-sleeping” vicious circle.
  • A habit reboot – So that you get rid of what destroys your sleep and your health, and harness the power of your natural cycles.

1 – Brainwave reboot: Foster sleep-inducing brainwaves

One-of-a-kind audio sessions designed to reboot your brain’s capacity for sound sleep, guide it through, and help it stay there. BRAINWAVE ENTRAINMENT consists of subtle, rhythmic binaural pulses that can gently and safely guide your brain toward deep sleep.

2 – Confidence reboot: Fear is sleep’s #1 enemy

The primary barrier to healthy sleep is some version of the following belief: “I’m condemned to sleeping badly, being tired and inefficient, becoming sick” and so on. Here comes the second “technology” provided by SleepTracks Audio: WORDS. A feminine voice will guide you into a meditation that will allow you to relieve yourself from stress and anxiety, to relax more and feel confident about your ability to retrieve your good sleep.

3 – Habit reboot: Do what works

Sound sleep cannot be settled in a condition of poor body/mind health. This is why SleepTracks is a “health-first” program, created with your long-term health in mind.

The importance of habits is crucial: the little things we do every day; the food we eat; the thoughts we entertain. Some of them will be conducive to an energized day and a restful night; and some will pave the way to just the opposite.

But as we all know, changing habits is never easy. This 3rd part of the Program will help you with the proper suggestions embedded in the audio sessions.

What is included in the Program

The package includes unique audio sessions, multimedia resources & support. You can download all this stuff just after the purchase order, or, if you prefer, you can get it on CDs shipped to you anywhere in the world. Here is a short description of the actual tools included in the package:

1. Insomnia Buster

The first audio session stimulates a particular brainwave range, which is typically in low supply in people who sleep badly. You shall listen to this one BEFORE going to bed.

2. Fall Asleep

When bedtimes come, this track will lead you once from awakened state to deep sleep. This is the case if you have a hard time falling asleep.

3. Whole Night

This track is played on loop through the night, as it mimics a normal sleep cycle. This is the case if you tend to wake up repeatedly.

4. Anxiety ease

This track is a support during the day, to listen to whenever stress builds up and anxiety creeps in. It will help you relax and let go while remaining fully alert.

5. Power Nap

This track will help you to give yourself a short but deeply refreshing “time out” during the daytime: a limited nap of 20 minutes will not trouble your nighttime sleep cycles, and will give you energy for the evening.

6. Fast Start Guide

This is a short ebook, A precious summary of all the best practices, suggestions and tips to restore your sleep and get the most out of the Program.

7. Optimal Sleep Course

This entertaining multimedia course has been designed to empower your practical knowledge on what are your obstacles and how you can overcome them. The course is named 5 Keys to Restful Sleep and Peak Energy and is divided in 5 sections, each lasts over 30 minutes long:

  • Key 1: Discover the Secret of the Sleep Waves
  • Key 2: Supercharge Your Day and Deepen Your Night
  • Key 3: Take Control Over Your Sleep
  • Key 4: Get Rid of Sleep Enemies
  • Key 5: Nap Your Way to Productivity and Peak Energy




Pros and Cons of SleepTracks


  • Because of the noise pulses which stimulates the brainwaves, the audio sessions are not suitable for those in particular conditions (e.g. pregnant women) or those who requires special medical or psychiatric attention (e.g. those wearing pace makers, those who are prone to seizures or epileptics etc).
  • To get the maximal benefit from the binaural pulses you have to listen to the tracks with headphones, otherwise their effect is reduced. But if you find using headphones uncomfortable, you can use the music pillow instead.
  • The different tracks have to be used properly, because each one works in a different manner, has a different purpose and has to be used in its proper moment. Inappropriate use may lead to unexpected or opposite effects.


  • No over the counter sleep aids are to be involved.
  • Yan Muckle gives a lot of information about sleep and related subjects, that can’t be found easily anywhere on the internet or on books.
  • The navigation of the video course is easy: thanks to useful sidebar subtopics, you can skip certain subtopics that are not applicable to you.
  • All the tracks are in mp3 format, so that they can easily be transferred to mp3 players and ipod to be listened everywhere, not just at home.
  • In the Guide there is also a wide section with detailed questions and answers, where you may find useful indications for your specific case.
  • Inside the mem­bers area of the website you’ll find detailed video instruc­tions on how to access and use the dif­fer­ent com­po­nents of the Pro­gram, how to down­load the audios, etc. You will also count on support by email.

Conclusively, go for SleepTracks confidently

Is SleepTracks Program for you? Definitely yes it is, if:

  • You have trou­ble falling asleep
  • You wake up repeat­edly dur­ing the night
  • You wake up after a few hours and can’t fall asleep again
  • You can’t sleep for days on end
  • Your over­ac­tive mind and stressed body keep you awake
  • Anx­i­ety keeps you awake
  • You’re tired all the time even when you spend a long time in bed

And, most important, the Program is for you if:

  • You cur­rently take sleep­ing pills and want to break free

But the Program is not for you if you’re looking for a “magic pill”.  Yes, the audio ses­sions will do most of the “heavy lift­ing”, but you’ll still have to do your part. Your full commitment is required, since years of bad sleep habits will prob­a­bly take some time to reverse itself, espe­cially if you’re cur­rently tak­ing any kind of mood sup­port or sleep medication.

But I am sure that you do agree with me that retrieving your own sleep in a natural way and getting rid of all chemicals is well worth such commitment, isn’t it?

Therefore, my sincere recommendation is: go for SleepTracks confidently. Visit the website. First of all you have to take a sleep quiz that will show you what mistakes you are making to cause your sleep disorders. After the quiz and your results, you will be shown a video that goes deeper into the subject of insomnia, and then you will access the order page.

Ready to get your life back? I’m sure you are. You have nothing to lose (thanks to the 60 days money-back guarantee) if the Program would be ineffective for you, but on the other hand, you have the whole quality of your life to lose!

If anybody has already experienced SleepTracks Program, feel free to leave his comments, I will greatly appreciate it!